Certain aspects of the work of Izh-Bubi madrasah and its mudarisses

Gimazova R.A.

14–23 p.

doi.org: 10.22378/he.2022-7-1.14-23

At the end of XIX – beginning of XX centuries the Bubi brothers established the Muslim educational institution, which operated after the Jadid method, as part of Izh-Bubi madrasah. Much attention there was paid to secular sciences and the study of foreign languages. During the First Russian Revolution, when the shakirds were active, the madrasah became known for the establishment of shakird self-government. This helped to prevent ideological splits and to increase the number of students due to the transfer of students from Muhammadiyah and Khusainia. Later, Russian language lessons were included in the male and female madrases, and lessons for Russian-speakers were introduced. As a result of these changes, the zemstvo paid for the language classes and the Russian language teachers could get salaries. The madrasah further developed thanks to the broad-based knowledge, forward-thinking approach of Gabdulla and Gubaidulla Bubi, as well as their ability to deeply analyze the processes that took place in society during that period. These ideas are reflected in Gabdulla Bubi’s article “Tatar maktaplerenen istikbale” (“The future of Tatar schools”). Izh-Bubi madrasah had a great impact on the education of Tatar-speaking imams and the Tatar version of sermons. The Bubin brothers not only established an advanced educational institution but also educated and guided their students to a worthful path in life and progressive views.

Keywords: History of Tatar education, Izh-Bubi madrasah, Gabdulla Bubi, Gubaidulla Bubi

For citation: Gimazova R.A. Izh-Bubi mädräsäse һäm mödärrisläre eshchänlegeneñ kayber yunäleshläre [Certain aspects of the work of Izh-Bubi madrasah and its mudarisses]. Istoricheskaya etnologiya, 2022, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 14–23. https://doi.org/10.22378/he.2022-7-1.14-23 (In Tatar)


Walidy J. Gabdulla Bubyy [Bubi G.]. Bertugan Bubyylar һәm Izh-Bubyy mädräsäse: tarikhi: dokumental′ jyyentyk [The Bubi Brothers and Izh-Bubi madrasah: The collection of history and records]. Kazan: Ruhiyat Publ., 1999. (In Tatar)
Gimazova R. Prosvetitel′skaya deyatel′nost′ Nigmatullinykh-Bubi (konets XIX – nachalo ХХ vv.) [The Educational Activity of the Nigmatullins-Bubi (the late 19th – beginning of 20th centuries)]. Kazan: Print Center, 2004. (In Russian)

About the author: Rafilya A. Gimazova, Cand. Sc. (History), Head of the Department of Tatar Language and National Culture, Russian Islamic Institute (19 Gazovaya St., Kazan 420049, Russian Federation). rafilyagim@gmail.com

Received March 17, 2022   Accepted for publication April 22, 2022

Published Online July 19, 2022