![]() Main menu / 2016, vol.1, no.1 / R.S. Khakimov
On the history of Tatars and the concept of the multi-volume work the history of Tatars from ancient times R.S. Khakimov
198-211 p. The History of Tatars from Ancient Times is the first academic work to begin describing the history of the Tatars from 3000 BC. The announcement of this fundamental scientific work is accompanied by an analysis of previous investments in the history of the Tatar people. The restrictions on Tatar historians have until recently have associated with a number of subconscious, difficult objective and subjective conditions. The factors that allow for the creation of a new history of the Tatar people began the democratization movement of 1980–1990. In connection to this the possibility of a perestroika of research was revealed, no longer based ideology but on science, opening to global research, and also the political processes in Tatarstan, the appearance of sovereignity, which allowed for the rethinking of the place of the republic and Tatars in the new Russia. The formation of a new historical conceptualization of Tatars was accompanied by a review of the usage in Soviet scholarship of the categories Tatars and Mongols as synonymous, a consideration of the Tatars in the context Turkic civilization in general, and their interactions with the Slavic and Finno-Ugric world, and the incorporation of their cultural core (Islam, the particularities of Tatar legal culture and the experience of state construction, management forms, ethnic characteristics in the development of capitalism, education). Each of the seven volumes of The History of Tatars from Ancient Times covers a new period in the history of the Tatars. Keywords: culture, history, mutually interacting, Tatars, the concept of the Turkic world
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Received 21.06.2016 Accepted for publication 28.09.2016 Published Online 17.11.2017 |