The role and place of mother tongues in the Russian education system

M.V. Lotfullin

363-369 p.

This article investigates the relationships between native languages and ethnic groups. It shows that there is a direct relationship between a nation and its native language. The interrelationship between promotion of human rights and the preservation of native languages is revealed. International documents concerning provisions for language rights are analyzed and Russia’s compliance with the international regulatory framework in this area is investigated. Normative Russian education documents, in contrast to the international documents, aim to restrict the conditions in which learning in the mother tongue and studying native languages can take place. The state of native languages and their place in the Russian system of education is shown. Proposals are made for the preservation of the peoples of Russia and their languages.

Keywords: educational competence in native languages, ethnic consciousness, federal educational standards, language rights, monitoring the creation of conditions for education in the native languages, mother tongue, people


1. Belikov V.I. Krisin L.P. Sotsiolingvistika [Sociolinguistics]. 2nd edition, corrected. Moscow, Aspekt Press Publ., 1996. 207 p. (In Russian)

2. Belarusskaja mova. Prafesijnaja leksika: dapam [The Belorussian Language. Professional Lexis: Manual]. Ed. by V.V. Marsheўskaya, І.V. Pіvavarchyk, A.S. Sadoўskaya. Grodna, GrDU Publ., 2006. 84 p. (In Belorussian)

3. Lotfullin M.V. Sovremennie problemi natsionalnogo obrazovanija [Contemporary Problems of National Education]. Sovremennie problemi nauki i obrazovanija – Contemporary problems of science and education, 2014, no. 6. Available at: http// (accessed 26.11.2016). (In Russian)

4. Jazikovie prava etnicheskix menshinstv v sfere obrazovanija. Sb. materialov [Language Rights of Ethnic Minorities in the Spheres of Education. Collection of Materials]. Trans. G.V. Khrustalev, Moscow, 1994. pp.20–35. (In Russian)

About the author: Marat V. Lotfullin is a Candidate of Science (Physics and Mathematics), Senior Research Fellow, the Center of History and Theory of National Education, Sh. Marjani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences (Entrance 5, Kremlin, Kazan 420014, Russian Federation);

Received 24.05.2016   Accepted for publication 07.10.2016

Published Online 17.11.2017