![]() Main menu / 2017, vol.2, no.1 / L.F. Tagirova
Everyday life of the Bashkir bureaucracy in the first half of the 19th century: reconstruction of a picture of domestic life L.F. Tagirova
140-154 p. The article discusses introduction of the kanton management system in Bashkiria. It explores the formation of a national bureaucracy in the Bashkir and Mishar cantons, their rights and responsibilities, the level of financial well-being. Based on archival materials (the trial and matters of inheritance), the paper shows the household structure of the Bashkir kanton chiefs in the first half of the 19th century.Their perception of the European comfortstandards in combination with well-preserved traditional culture is traced. Keywords: Bashkortostan, Bashkirs, Canton control system, bureaucracy, domestic life, everyday life, first half of the 19th century
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Received 22.03.2017 Accepted for publication 08.06.2017 Published Online 17.11.2017 |