Main menu / 2017, vol.2, no.1 / L.R. Murtazina
Educational activity of Tatars in Turkestan and Kazakh steppes in late 19th – early 20th century L.R. Murtazina
155-170 p. Educational activity of Tatars in Turkestan and the Kazakh steppes in the late 19th – the early 20th century is considered in the article. Special attention is given to the role of Tatars as distributors of Muslim traditions and customs in the steppe, Muslim culture among the related peoples. The paper touches upon theissue of of the government’s negative attitude towards Tatars who were seen as Muslim missionaries. The author traces illumination of this problem in the Tatar periodicals of the early 20th century and works of Russian researchers. The work of Tatar teacherson opening mektebs and madrasahs, including jadidi schools, in Turkestan and the Kazakh steppes is analyzed. The article focuses on their activities aimed ateducating Tatars and other Turkic peoples, providing schools with textbooks written by Tatar authors, the attention to the role of Tatars in training teaching staff from the local population. Keywords: abc-book, dzhadidsky school, education, madrasah, mullah, mugally, new method, Tatar teachers, Russian-native school, related languages, school for girls, textbook, Turkestan
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Received 10.02.2017 Accepted for publication 09.06.2017 Published Online 17.11.2017 |