Developing kryashen identity: discussions around the "Kryashens issue" in 1917-1920
R.R. Iskhakov
251-257 p.
The article analyzes the formation and evolution of the views of the Kryashen social and political figures of the 1917–1920s. on the place of Kryashen-Tatars in the polyethnic space of the Volga-Ural region. The reasons that led to the abandonment of the project for the creation of cultural and national autonomy for the Kryashens and their integration into the Tatar cultural, information and national space are given.
Keywords: Kryashens, Great Russian Revolution, Society of Small Peoples of the Volga Region, Kryashen Department, TASSR
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About the author: Radik R. Iskhakov is a Candidate of Science (History), Head of the Center for the Study of History and Culture Tatar-Kryashens and Nagaibaks, Sh. Marjani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences (7, Baturin St., Kazan 420111, Russian Federation);