Historical and ethnographic studies of the state palace-museum of turkic-tatar culture in Bakhchisaray (1917–1929)
U.K. Musaeva
301-319 p.
The article is based on a vast body of archival documents that were first introduced into scientific circulation and the activities of the Bakhchisaray State PalaceMuseum of the Turkic-Tatar culture in the years of the revolution. Selfless work carried out in the research and preservation of historical and cultural heritage, the formation and development of the museum institution has been reconstructed. The article also examines the scientific life and activation of the monument preservation and museum work of a well-known ethnographer, a museum specialist U.A. Bodaninsky.
Keywords: U.A. Bodaninsky, State Palace-Museum of Turkic-Tatar culture, Crimean ASSR, museum studies
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About the author: Ulker K. Musaeva is a Doctor of Science (History), Professor of the Chair of History, the Department of History, Arts and Crimean Tatar Language and Literature, the Crimea Engineering and Teacher-Training University (8, Uchebnyy per., Simferopol 295015, Crimea, Russia Federation); musaeva_ulker@mail.ru