Treasures of the Turkish culture: new research on jewelry art of Turkic peoples (deliberation on the results and prospects)
Rudenko K.A.
26-45 p. 10.22378/ he.2019-4-1.26-45
The article explores new approaches to studying the jewelry art of the Turkic peo-ples of Eurasia. First of all, it presents the analysis of the facts mentioned in the collec-tive monograph on Eurasian Turkic peoples’ jewelry, which was written by the most prominent experts in this field from research institutions of Russia. This fundamental work presents analytical studies of Turkic-speaking peoples’ jewelry: Tatars of the Vol-ga and Ural regions, Yakuts, Buryats and others. The authors systematized a vast amount of materials, distributed it into groups and categories, and highlighted the kinds and types of products. The definitions of produced items functionality and their formal features served as the ground for classification. The articles provide reasoned infor-mation about the origin of certain types of jewelry, the time of their occurrence and exis¬tence. Appeal to the mythology of the peoples who made such products is of parti-cular interest. This made it possible to understand and present the special role of jewelry in the world view and its significance in the mythological ideas of the Universe and the world. Technological methods of jewelry making of the Turkic peoples of Eurasia are examined, the specifics of the production and artistic methods of applying the decor are identified. Obviously, the processes of artistic crafts formation, as well as fabrication of produced items, have a long history associated with the processes of ethnocultural interaction.
Keywords: jewelry, niello, filigree, Turkic peoples, Kazan Tatars, Buryats, Yakuts, ethnography, technology.
For citation: Rudenko K.A. Treasures of the Turkish culture: new research on jewelry art of Turkic peoples (deliberation on the results and prospects). Istoricheskaya etnologiya – Historical Ethnology, 2019, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 26–45. DOI: 10.22378/ he.2019-4-1.26-45
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About the author: Konstantin A. Rudenko is a Doctor of Science (History), Professor at the Kazan State Institute of Culture (3, Orenburg tract, Kazan 420059, Russian Federation);