![]() Main menu / 2019, vol.4, no.2 / Salakhova E.K.
Review of the book by F.B. Batyrgarey “Registers of birth of muslims in the city of Tver” Salakhova E.K.
375-380 p. doi.org: 10.22378/he.2019-4-2.375-380 The article is a review of the new book by researcher F.B. Butyrgarey Registers of Birth of Muslims in the City of Tver. The book devoted to the publication of Muslim metric books of Tver is of importance and much-in-demand. These documents are published for the first time. The research includes all Muslim parish registers of the city of Tver, which were kept in the State Archive of the Tver Region. The author provided their transcription and on the basis of the given documents, he presented an interesting material about the state and development of the Tatar society of the Russian city of Tver in 1905–1918. Keywords: family history, written historical sources, register of births, history of the Tatar people, local history. For citation: Salakhova E.K. Review of the book by F.B. Batyrgarey “Registers of birth of muslims in the city of Tver”. Istoricheskaya etnologiya – Historical Ethnology, 2019, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 375–380. DOI: 10.22378/he.2019-4-2.375-380
About the author: Elmira K. Salakhova is a Candidate of Science (History), Senior Research Fellow, Department of History and Cultural Heritage of the Peoples of Tatarstan, Sh.Marjani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences (7A, Baturin St., Kazan 420111, Russian Federation); ilsalah@mail.ru