Main menu / 2020, vol.5, no.3 / Nasretdinova D.M.

Tatar women in the social life of Turkestan

Nasretdinova D.M.

460-465 p. 10.22378/he.2020-5-3.460-465

The article presents information about Tatar women who played an important role in the social life of Turkestan in late 19th and early 20th centuries, for instance, how they founded charities and organised theatrical charity shows. The money received from the shows was donated to the funds rendering financial and moral support to injured soldiers, as well as the development of the medical sector in the country and the opportunity for local women to receive qualified medical care. The article highlightes other details which reveal the place of Tatar women in the social life of the region.

Keywords: Tatar women, charities, theater performances, financial support

For citation: Nasretdinova D.M. Tatarskie zhenshchiny v sotsial'noy zhizni Turkestana [Tatar women in the social life of Turkestan]. Istoricheskaya etnologiya, 2020, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 460–465.


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About the author: Dilfuza M. Nasretdinova is Cand. Sc. (History), Associate Professor of Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology (7 Kasansay St., Namangan 160115, Republic of Uzbekistan);

Received May 03, 2020   Accepted for publication October 30, 2020

Published Online November 28, 2020