Food supply of the population during the Great Patriotic War and in the first post-war years
Novinskaya Т.Yu.
228-239 p. 10.22378/he.2022-7-2.228-239
The relevance of the presented research work is food supply during the Great Patriotic War and in the post-war years. It is determined by its importance in the social-economic development of the country. Food supply should be considered as part of the national agrarian and food policy. The purpose of the research is to conduct a systematic analysis of the factors, which affected the supply, and the mechanisms of food supply implementation. The systematic approach principle to considering the issue constitutes the basis of the research methodology. Shortage, deficit, rationing through cards and other forms were the main characteristic of the socio-economic development of the period under review and were the result of a number of circumstances of a natural, objective and subjective nature.
Keywords: food supply, population categories, rationing, the Great Patriotic War, post-war years
For citation: Novinskaya Т.Yu. Prodovol’stvennoye snabzhenie naseleniya v gody Velikoy Otechestvennoy voyny i pervye poslevoennye gody [Food supply of the population during the Great Patriotic War and in the first post-war years]. Istoricheskaya etnologiya, 2022, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 228–239. (In Russian)
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About the author: Taisiya Yu. Novinskaya, Cand. Sc. (History), Associate Professor, Penza State Technological University (1A, Baydukov passage, Penza 440039, Russian Federation);
Received March 13, 2022 Accepted for publication May 17, 2022
Published Online November 23, 2022