Main menu / 2022, vol.7, no.3 / Zhabbarbergenov T.R.

Age gradations of the young generation at the Karakalpaks: ethnological optics (formulation of the problem)

Zhabbarbergenov T.R.

432-442 p.

In modern Uzbekistan, one of the fundamental directions of the internal policy of the republic is the development of new approaches to youth policy. The article problematizes the question of the traditional ideas of the Karakalpak about the age limits of the younger generation, about their preservation and the terms related to the youth, which are present in the Karakalpak language. The purpose of the article is to determine the age limit (based on the restriction), to study on the field material the former and modern terms used in the vocabulary of youth among the Karakalpaks. The article is based on the author’s field materials, collected during ethnographic expeditions in a number of regions of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, such as Takhtakupyr, Chimbay, Muynak. For example, in the modern colloquial vocabulary of these areas, the following terms are often used: in relation to young men – bala (boy), zhas öspirim (young man), er bala (man), zhas zhigit (young guy), zhigit (guy), uilengen zhigit (married guy), for women – kyzalak (girl), zhas öspirim (younger), boy zhetken қyz (girl), zhas kelinshek (young daughter-in-law). The analysis of the collected materials showed that the traditional terms, which denote youth, were passed down from generation to generation and are present in modern youth vocabulary. However, the identified new words in relation to young people allow us to talk about innovations that have appeared under the influence of globalisation. These terms are used only in the youth environment, not extending to the vocabulary of the older generation.

Keywords: youth, definitions, age limits, globalization, society, cultural values

For citation: Zhabbarbergenov T.R. Vozrastnye gradatsii molodogo pokoleniya u karakalpakov: etnologicheskaya optika (postanovka problemy) [Age gradations of the young generation at the Karakalpaks: ethnological optics (formulation of the problem)]. Istoricheskaya etnologiya, 2022, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 432–442. (In Russian)


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About the author: Timur R. Zhabbarbergenov, Basic Doctoral Student, Karakalpak Research Institute for the Humanities, Karakalpak Branch of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences (179A, Amir Temur St., Nukus 230100, Karakalpakstan, Republic of Uzbekistan);

Received June 20, 2022   Accepted for publication September 5, 2022

Published Online December 15, 2022