Main menu / 2016, vol.1, no.1 / L.I. Yarullina
Folk pedagogy – a means of instilling national consciousness L.I. Yarullina
158-170 p. The article is devoted to the analysis of the role of folk pedagogy in the formation of national identity. It examines the views of scholars regarding how to define terms such as «pedagogy», «folk pedagogy», «national education», and «national identity», likewise emphasizing the importance of conducting research in these areas. By taking into account the complexity and multidimensional nature of these phenomena, the author highlights folklore and work ethic, as well as mental, spiritual, aesthetic, physical and religious upbringing as the main influences on the formation of national identity. Stress is placed on the need for an integrated approach to the education of the harmoniously developed personality. Keywords: education, empirical knowledge, ethnopedagogy, experience, family education, folk pedagogy, folklore, moral upbringing, national identity, spiritual values
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Received 24.05.2016 Accepted for publication 07.10.2016 Published Online 17.11.2017 |