Main menu / 2016, vol.1, no.1 / A.I. Nogmanov, Kh.Z. Bagautdinova

The fight against the celebration of Dzhiyen in Tatar settlements around Kazan in the 1880s

A.I. Nogmanov, Kh.Z. Bagautdinova

171-188 p.

Published archival documents contain information about the holiday Dzhiyen, which was celebrated by Tatars at the end of the spring planting. In the second half of the nineteenth century the main region for the celebrations was the Kazan District of Kazan Province. Dzhiyen carried on the ancient Turkic traditions of self-government and did not conform to the norms of shariah, which caused it to be rejected by the official authorities and the Muslim clergy. This article explores the battle against Dzhiyens in 1880s, during the tightening of the Russian state’s domestic policy, which reflected in part the state’s religious-minded Tatar public figures. This marks the first introduction of documents on Dzhiyen into scientific circulation, which provide knowledge about a little-known microhistory of the Tatar people, their traditions, and customs.

Keywords: authority, Dzhiyen, governor, Kazan district of Kazan Province, Orenburg Muslim Spiritual Assembly, shariah


1. Natsionalnyy archive Respubliki Tatarstan (NA RT) [The National Archives of the Republic of Tatarstan]. F.1. Оp. 3. D. 6030.

2. NA RT. F.1. Оp. 3. D. 7233.

3. Tatarskaya entsiklopediya [Tatar encyclopedia]: V 6 t. Gl. red. M.Kh. Khasanov, otv. red. G.S. Sabirzyanov. T. 2: G-Y. Kazan, Institut Tatarskoy entsiklopedii AN RT Publ., 2005. 656 p.

About the authors: Aydar I. Nogmanov – Сandidate of Science (History), Head of the Department of Historical and Cultural Heritage of the People of Tatarstan, Sh.Marjani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences (Entrance 5, Kremlin, Kazan 420014, Russian Federation); Khalidа Z. Bagautdinovа – Research Fellow, Department of Historical and Cultural Heritage of the People of Tatarstan, Sh.Marjani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences (Entrance 5, Kremlin, Kazan 420014, Russian Federation); halida12_61@mail. ru.

Received 20.06.2016   Accepted for publication 03.10.2016

Published Online 17.11.2017