Main menu / 2016, vol.1, no.2 / G.F. Gabdrakhmanova
Book review – the history of the Tatars of the western Urals. Volume I. the nomads of the great steppe in the Urals. Tatar medieval states G.F. Gabdrakhmanova
405-409 p. The collective volume under review, The History of the Tatars of the Western Urals. Volume I. The Nomads of the Great Steppe in the Urals. Tatar Medieval States (Kazan, Sh. Marjani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences Publ., 2016) is a scholarly work that presents the latest research by turkologist experts in the field of the ethnic processes taking place in the Western Urals in the early and late Middle Ages. The volume may be useful to a wide range of specialists, including ethnologists. The conclusions the book’s authors regarding the origins of Tatars and Bashkirs, concerning the pragmatic transition from one ethnic group to another, and about the presence of a single culture among associated ethnic groups raise new questions about the nature of ethnicity – its limits, variability, and plasticity in both time and space. Keywords: Belovolzhsky Ulus, Bashkirs, ethnic contact, Tatars, the Golden Horde
REFERENCES 1. Kuzeev R.G. Istoricheskaya etnografiya bashkirskogo naroda [Historical Ethnography of the Bashkir People]. Ufa, Bashkir publishing house, 1978. 263 p. (in Russian) 2. Khakimov R. Predislovie [Preface]. Istoriya tatar Zapadnogo Priural’ya. Tom I. Kochevniki Velikoy stepi v Priural’e. Tatarskie srednevekovye gosudarstva [The History of the Tatars of the Western Urals. Volume I. The Nomads of the Great Steppe in the Urals. Tatar Medieval States]. Kazan, Sh. Marjani Institute of History of the TAS Publ., 2016, pp. 3–5. (in Russian) 3. Gellner E. Natsii i natsionalizm [Nations and Nationalism]. Moscow, Progress Publ., 1991. 320 p. (in Russian) 4. Nurieva F. Yazyk pis’mennykh pamyatnikov zolotoordynskogo perioda [The Language of Written Monuments of the Golden Horde Period]. Istoriya tatar Zapadnogo Priural’ya. Tom I. Kochevniki Velikoy stepi v Priural’e. Tatarskie srednevekovye gosudarstva [The History of the Tatars of the Western Urals. Volume I. The Nomads of the Great Steppe in the Urals. Tatar Medieval States]. Kazan, Sh. Marjani Institute of History of the TAS Publ., 2016, pp. 184–197. (in Russian) About the author: Gulnara F. Gabdrakhmanova is a Doctor of Science (Sociology), Head of the Department of Ethnological Research, Sh. Marjani Institute of History of the TAS (Entrance 5, Kremlin, Kazan 420014, Russian Federation);
Received 17.05.2016 Accepted for publication 19.10.2016 Published Online 17.11.2017 |