![]() Main menu / 2016, vol.1, no.2 / O.A. Bogatova
State languages of the republic of Tatarstan: a plurality of measurements O.A. Bogatova
410-414 p. This article provides a brief overview of the book series, State Languages of the Republic of Tatarstan: A Plurality of Measurements, which presents the results of sociological research conducted in 2014–2016 as part of the project, Sociolinguistic Monitoring of the Ethnolinguistic Situation in Republic of Tatarstan. The author comes to the conclusion that the series represents a significant contribution to the development of the country’s sociology of language and ethnosociology, and promotes the understanding of social processes and the factors connected with changes in the language situation and language politics in contemporary Russia. Keywords: ethnicity, state languages, language politics, language situation, region, Russia, state languages, Tatarstan
REFERENCES 1. Gosudarstvennye yazyki Respubliki Tatarstan: mnozhestvennost’ izmereniy. Sbornik ocherkov [State Languages of the Republic of Tatarstan: A Plurality of Measurements. Collection of Essays]. Ed. by G.F. Gabdrahmanova, G.I. Makarova. Kazan, Sh. Marjani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences Publ., 2014. 236 p. (in Russian) 2. Gosudarstvennye yazyki Respubliki Tatarstan: mnozhestvennost’ izmereniy. Monografiya [State Languages of the Republic of Tatarstan: A Plurality of Measurements. The Monograph]. Ed. by G.F. Gabdrahmanova, L.V. Sagitova. Kazan, Sh. Marjani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences Publ., Artifakt Publ., 2015. 268 p. (in Russian) 3. Gosudarstvennye yazyki Respubliki Tatarstan: mnozhestvennost’ izmereniy. Sbornik ocherkov [State Languages of the Republic of Tatarstan: A Plurality of Measurements. Collection of Essays]. Ed. by G.F. Gabdrahmanova, G.I. Makarova, A.R. Muhametzyanova. Kazan, Sh. Marjani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences Publ., 2016. 208 p. (in Russian) About the author: Olga A. Bogatova is a Doctor of Science (Sociology), Professor, Chair of Sociology, National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University, (Bolshevistskaya St., 68, Saransk 430005, Russian Federation); bogatovaoa@yandex.ru
Received 14.06.2016 Accepted for publication 12.10.2016 Published Online 17.11.2017 |