Main menu / 2017, vol.2, no.1 / M.G. Kondratjev
Chuvash people's musical and poetic system as a regional phenomenon M.G. Kondratjev
80-94 p. The Volga-Urals region is unique in ethno-cultural respect and its successful existence and development requires an adequate display in modern science and in ethnomusicology, in particular. The Chuvash folk musical-poetic system, considered in terms of the theoretical aspect, allows including in the field of vision the regional space, which represents structural-typological properties detected amongthe Chuvash people in different ethnic cultures. In comparison with them, similar systems of the Volga Tatars, Cheremis (Maris), Votjaks (Udmurts) can be conveniently considered. It turns out there are so many general properties of the typological level, traceable in every culture of the region and they are so significant that a case can be made for rethinking the well-known notion of "pentatonic area of the Volga and Urals" into the concept of the musicalpoetic supranational community, which had been established here within a thousand of years and includes ethnic (national) cultures, different in origin, language, and religion. Argumentation of the existence of this phenomenon gives cause to use the category of musical civilization. Keywords: musical civilization, musical and poetic system the Chuvash, Mari, and Udmurts, Tatars, pentatonic area, the Volga-Ural region, typology
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Received 14.03.2017 Accepted for publication 01.06.2017 Published Online 17.11.2017 |