Main menu / 2017, vol.2, no.1 / I.V. Maslova
Conceptual challenges in modern historical research I.V. Maslova
95-107 p. The article explores the latest trends in the methodology of historical knowledge associated with the emergence of new research approaches and concepts, the development of cross-disciplinary directions. The questions posed to modern historical science suggest a search for new research optics, connected not so much with causality or consequences as with the contingency of history. The paradigmatic argument of supporters of macro- and micro-historical campaigns that began by the end of the last century finds opportunities for consensus within the framework of local history, the research materials of which can and should be included in generalizing studies conducted on the principles of macro-history. The subject of studying a historian is not just a person in history, but an interacting person. A communicative approach to studying a person in history takes the researcher to the problems of identity, collective memory. Keywords: collective memory, contingency of history identity, local history, micro-history
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Received 23.01.2017 Accepted for publication 02.06.2017 Published Online 17.11.2017 |