Travel notes of the first half of the 19th century: Tatars of Kazan province through the eyes of travelers
G.E. Rafikova
81-89 p. 10.22378/he.2018-3-1.81-89
The genre of travel notes is widely used in literature of Russia in the first half of the nineteenth century. It is a traveler’s report about people, cities and countries whch he had met during the trip. Road impressions appeal to an ethnographer with possible descriptions of everyday life, traditions and customs of the numerous peoples who used to live on the territory of the Russian Empire. The travel notes that have been selected for the given research describe the Tatars of the Kazan Province of the first half of the 19th century. Three sources have been identified: “Travel Notes from Trips to the TransVolga in 1851, 1852, 1853 and 1854” by K.G.Evlentev, a chapter from P.Tomas’s work “Souvenirs of Russia,” and the novel by V.A.Sollogub “Tarantas: Travel Impressions.” The article contains excerpts from the listed works about Tatars.
Keywords: history, ethnography, Kazan Province of the first half of the 19th century, travel notes, K.G.Evlentev, V.A.Sollogub, P.Tomas
For citation: For citation: Rafikova G.E. Travel notes of the first half of the 19th century: Tatars of Kazan province through the eyes of travelers. Istoricheskaya etnologiya – Historical Ethnology, 2018, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 81–89. DOI: 10.22378/he.2018-3-1.81-89
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2. Anderson V. Puteshestvie Pr.Tomasa v 1842 godu ot Moskvy do Kazani [Travel Pr.Tomas in 1842 from Moscow to Kazan] Kazan, News of the Society of archeology, history and Ethnography at the Imperial Kazan University, 1906, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 164–184. (In Russian)
3. Evlentev K.G. Putevye zametki iz poezdok po Zavolzh’yu v 1851, 1852, 1853, 1854 gg [Travel notes from a trip on Volga in 1851, 1852, 1853, 1854] Kazan, Notes of the Kazan economic society, 1854, vol. 3, no. 10, pp. 19–25. (In Russian)
4. Katanov N.F. Skazanie inostrantsev o Kazani. I. Prosper Thomas – P.Tomas, II. A. Legrelle – F. Legrel [Legend of foreigners about Kazan. I. Prosper Thomas, II. A. Legrelle] Kazan, News of the Society of archeology, history and Ethnography at the Imperial Kazan University, 1903. vol. 19, no. 5–6, pp. 277–285.
5. Kuzminskij K.S. Zaputannyj vopros (ob illyustraciyah k «Tarantasu» Solloguba) [Kuzminski K.S. A confusing issue (an illustration of Sollogub’s «Tarantas»)]. 1922, no. 1, pp. 48–53. (In Russian)
6. Mednikov M.M. Konstantin Grigorevich Evlentev [Konstantin Grigorevich Evlentev]. Pskov. 2005, no. 22, pp. 206–214. (In Russian)
7. Polosina A.N. Sen-Toma – pervyj guverner L.N. Tolstogo: prototip i obraz (po neizvestnym materialam) [St. Thomas – L.N. Tolstoy’s first tutor: the prototype and the image (for unknown content)] (In Russian.) Available at: (accessed 23.04.2018)
8. Rafikova G., Ibragimova G. Biografika Kazanskogo universiteta: Andersony [The Biography of Kazan University: Anderson]. 2016, no. 1–2, pp.134–142. (In Russian)
9. Sollogub V.A. Biografiya [The Biography]. (In Russian.) Available at: (accessed 22.05.2018)
10. Savinov A. Grigorij Grigorevich Gagarin 1810–1893 [Grigorij Grigorevich Gagarin 1810–1893]. Moscow, State. publishing house «Art», 1951, 30 p. (In Russian)
11. Sollogub V.A. Vospominaniya [The Memory]. Leningrad, Leningradskaya Pravda Publ., 1931. 652 p. (In Russian)
12. Sollogub V.A. Tarantas: putevye vpechatleniya [Tarantas: the travel experiences]. Moscow, State publishing house of fiction, 1955. 149 p. (In Russian)
13. Fuks K.F. Poezdka iz Kazani k mordve v 1839 g. [A trip from Kazan to Mordva in 1839]. 1839, part 34, no. 10, pp. 85–118. (In Russian)
About the author: Gulnara E. Rafikova is a Candidat of Science (History), Advanced Research Fellow, Institute of Tatar Encyclopedia and Regional Studies of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences (56, Pushkin St., Kazan 420015, Russian Federation);