Main menu / 2018, vol.3, no.2 / B.M. Ubaydullayeva

Role and status of fathers in uzbek families

B.M. Ubaydullayeva

198–208 p. DOI: 10.22378/he.2018-3-2.198-208

Political, social, economic, and religious-cultural changes that took place in Uzbekistan in the 20th century made an impact on all aspects of a traditional lifestyle, including the status and place of a father in a fmily, relations between fathers and children in an Uzbek family. Research on parents-children relations in the context of old and modern traditions are gaining special importantce. Based on ethnigraphoc material and results of atho-socilogical surveys, the paper examines the issues associated with the place and status of a father in an Uzbek family in the 20th century. The author makes an attempt to find answers to the following questions: what is the difference between the ‘contemporary’ situation and behaviour of fathers from the ‘traditional’ one?; what is the difference between the ‘contemporary’ stereotype, standard fatherhood from the ‘traditional’ one?; which factors influenced the changes of a father’s status and role in a family?; which peculiarities, special mentality traits can be observed in father-children relations of Uzbeks?; what is the place, the status of Uzbek fathers in the contemporary times?

Keywords: Uzbeks, family, father-children relations, status relations in family, family traditions

For citation: Ubaydullayeva B.M. Role and status of fathers in Uzbek families. Istoricheskaya etnologiya – Historical Ethnology, 2018, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 198–208. DOI: 10.22378/he.2018-3-2.198-208


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About the author: Barno M. Ubaydullaeva is a Candidate of Science (History), Senior Research Fellow, the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan (5, Shakhrisyabz Proyezd 1, Mirabad District, Tashkent 100060, Uzbekistan);