Main menu / 2019, vol.4, no.1 / Khanipova I.I., Nazipova L.R

Twice accused… New documents of Gabdrakhman Fakhretdinov’s activities.

Khanipova I.I., Nazipova L.R

179-198 p. 10.22378/he.2019-4-1.179-198

The article covers a little-known chapter from the life of the Tatar enlightener Ri-za Fakhretdin’s eldest son, Gabdrakhman Fakhretdinov. Publisher, journalist, historian, prominent public figure, who was repressed in 1936 before the revolution, G. Fakhretdinov expressed ideas which were disliked by the authorities. Notes in the Tatar printed calendar served as the basis for opening a court case against the publisher. New biographical facts from the early period of G. Fakhretdinov’s life have been revealed on the basis of the archival data. The materials of the judicial and investigative process over the publisher, which imply the state and features of Tatar children’a education beyond the Kazan Province, have been disclosed. The selection of documents published in the present paper have been introduced into scholarly circulation for the first time.

Keywords: Gabdrakhman Fakhretdinov, Tatar reformatory thought, jadidism, judicial and investigative materials, tear-off calendar, Samara Province.

For citation: Khanipova I.I., Nazipova L.R Twice accused… New documents of Gabdrakhman Fakhretdinov’s activities. Istoricheskaya etnologiya – Historical Ethno¬logy, 2019, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 179–198. DOI: 10.22378/he.2019-4-1.179-198


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About the authors: Ilnara I. Khanipova is a Candidate of Science (History), Associate Professor, Se­nior Research Fellow, Sh. Marjani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences (7A, Baturin St., Kazan 420111, Russian Federation); Lilia R. Nazipova is an independent researcher (Arsk, Russian Federation);