History of one photograph. Ups and downs of Turgai province administration counselor, Suleyman Batyrshin’s life
Samigulin I.M.
151-179 p.
doi.org: 10.22378/he.2020-5-1.151-179
The article presents a selection of archive documents from the funds of the Republic of Kazakhstan Central State Archive (Almaty) and the Russian State Historical Archive (St. Petersburg) about the ups and downs of the career of a nobleman Tatar from the Orenburg Province, interpreter Suleyman Alyukovich Batyrshin. He was assigned challenging and high-profile tasks by the Orenburg Border Commission. For instance, in 1856, he accompanied a delegation of Kazakhs of the Inner Horde to Moscow to take part in the coronation of Emperor Alexander II; in 1858, he was a participant of aide-de-camp N.P. Ignatyev’s military-diplomatic mission to Hiva and Buhara; in 1865–1866, he held the office of sultan-governor of the Western part of the Orenburg Kazakhs Province. For his hard work S. Batyrshin was awarded with Orders of St. Anna and St. Stanislav of the 2nd and 3rd degrees and money rewards. In 1869, he was appointed a counselor of the Turgai Province administration, later he was malaigned, fell into disfavour of his superiors, was dismissed from the service and without charge or trial was deported to the Arkhangelsk Province under the strict control of the police.
Keywords: Tatars, interpreters, rebellion, Yeset Kutebarov, archive documents
For citation: Samigulin I.M. History of one photograph. Ups and downs of Turgai province administration counselor, Suleyman Batyrshin’s life. Istoricheskaya etnologiya – Historical Ethnology, 2020, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 151–179. DOI: 10.22378/he.2020-5-1.151-179
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About the author: Ilyas M. Samigulin is a master-level archivist, Republican State Institution “Central State Archive” of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan (39, Abay Ave., Almaty A05A1T7, Republic of Kazakhstan); cga_rk@mail.ru