Specifics of the First General Population Census of 1897 in Menzelinsk District of Ufa Province

Zagidullin I.K.

106–119 p.

doi.org: 10.22378/he.2021-6-1.106-119

The study of the First general population census in October 1896 – January 1897 years in Menzelinsk District of Ufa Province – “in the inner outskirts” – is relevant in several aspects: 1) it allows considering the effectiveness of the instructions for organizing and conducting statistical operations developed by the Chief Census Commission, which were compiled with the focus on the Russian majority of the country; 2) there is an opportunity to observe the social behavior of local authorities, facing the need to organize and conduct a statistical event within a very short time; 3) can trace the reaction of the local population to this state statistical event. The reports and journals of the provincial and district census commissions preserved in the fund of the Central Statistical Committee at the Ministry of Internal Affairs served as the source of the given article. The publication highlights a number of omissions allowed by the center in preparation of the normative legal documentation of the census; it also discusses the formation of census and enumeration areas in the country, recruiting of census enumerators and translators, providers the confessional composition of the heads of census areas and clarifies the role of the county census commission and mullahs in conducting explanatory work among Muslims, the protest reasons and forms are specified and the course of the census with the involvement of military teams in Muslim settlements is presented in details.

Keywords: Menzelinsk District of Ufa Province, First general population census of 1897, social movement of Muslims, enumeration areas

For citation: Zagidullin I.K. Osobennosti provedeniya pervoy vseobshchey perepisi 1897 g. v Menzelinskom uezde Ufimskoy gubernii [Specifics of the First General Population Census of 1897 in Menzelinsk District of Ufa Province]. Istoricheskaya etnologiya, 2021, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 106–119. https://doi.org/10.22378/he.2021-6-1.106-119


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About the author: Ildus K. Zagidullin, Doctor Sc. (History), Head of the Department of Modern History, Marjani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences (7A Baturin St., Kazan 420111, Russian Federation); zadik63@mail.ru

Received January 29, 2021   Accepted for publication March 22, 2021

Published Online April 21, 2021