Main menu / 2023, vol.8, no.1 / Bogatova O.A.
Book review: Makarova G.I. The image of Tatarstan in the strategies of the regional elites and in the public consciousness: a monograph (Kazan, 2020. 308 p.) Bogatova O.A.
158-163 p. 10.22378/he.2023-8-1.158-163 The review contains a brief overview of the content of the monograph by G.I. Makarova “The Image of Tatarstan in the Strategies of Regional Elites and in the Public Consciousness.” The book is based on the results of a sociological research in 2013–2019 in the Republic of Tatarstan. The author of the review draws attention to the complex and systemic nature of G.I. Makarova research work, confirmed by the synthesis of theoretical approaches to the problems of ethnic and regional identity, the image of territories, as well as the triangulation of methods. It is noted that the conclusions of the monograph are based on the results of several sociological methods – mass and expert surveys, in-depth interviews, analysis of official documents, and case studies. It is concluded that in the monograph G.I. Makarova developed a conceptual model for the analysis of the republican policy in the field of region branding and a methodology for sociological study of the results of its application. The conclusions and practical recommendations made by the author regarding the content of this policy and its social consequences, according to the reviewer, go beyond the boundaries of the Republic of Tatarstan. They can be used to study similar issues in other republics within the Russian Federation, while improving branding strategies and identity policies. Keywords: region, regional identity, image of the region, territory branding, ethno-cultural branding, republics, Republic of Tatarstan For citation: Bogatova O.A. (2023) Book review: Makarova G.I. The image of Tatarstan in the strategies of the regional elites and in the public consciousness: a monograph (Kazan, 2020. 308 p.). Istoricheskaya etnologiya [Historical Ethnology]. Vol. 8. No. 1: 158–163. DOI: 10.22378/he.2023-8-1.158-163 (In Russ.)
About the author: Olga A. Bogatova, Doctor Sc. (Sociology), Professor of the Department of Sociology and Social Work, National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University (68/1, Bolshevistskaya St., Saransk 430005, Russian Federation);
Received March 3, 2023 Accepted for publication April 28, 2023 Published Online October 23, 2023 |