Main menu / 2024, vol.9, no.3 / Kalimullina E.R.

Identity of youth of an industrial city in historical and social contexts (the case of Leninogorsk)

Kalimullina E.R.

428-440 p. 10.22378/he.2024-9-3.428-440

Abstract. The article examines the formation and manifestation of the identity of the youth of an industrial city using Leninogorsk as an example. The attitude of young people towards the town is affected, above all else, by the social opportunities it provides. It is assumed that this attitude and problems of self-identification with the place of residence may, in turn, affect their migration tenets. Based on the results of surveys conducted among young people, the study identifies their interests and needs, many of which, from the objective point of view, could be fulfilled in Leninogorsk. An ambivalent attitude towards the town was discovered, more specifically, a generally positive perception coupled with an indispensable desire to leave the settlement. Accordingly, a conclusion about the contradictory nature of young people’s interaction of with their town was drawn. It has been suggested that opening a high-tech manufacture there could become one of the factors in further strengthening the city’s identity and retaining young people in Leninogorsk. Such measures could be facilitated by active involvement on the part of the regional and municipal authorities towards building a positive image of the industrial town.

Keywords: industrial city, city identity, history of the city, migration attitudes of youth, Leninogorsk

For citation: Kalimullina E.R. (2024) Identity of youth of an industrial city in historical and social contexts (the case of Leninogorsk). Istoricheskaya etnologiya [Historical Ethnology]. Vol. 9. No. 3: 428–440. (In Russ.)


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About the author: Elvira R. Kalimullina, Cand. Sc. (Sociology), Associate Professor at the Department of Economics and Management, Leninogorsk branch of the Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev – KAI (22 Lenin Ave., Leninogorsk 423250, Russian Federation);; e-mail:

Received 19.01.2024 Revised 14.03.2024   Accepted for publication 15.05.2024

Published Online 24.07.2024