Main menu / 2017, vol.2, no.2 / А.А. Зиннатуллина

Prerequisites of emergence of the tatar child care Facilities and their first steps (the First quartet of the XXth century)

А.А. Зиннатуллина

338-345 p.

In article presents a brief overview of the preschool childcare facilities which existed before the October revolution. The main goals and tasks, types of the first childcare facilities that appeared in the first years after the revolution are specified. The Tatar teachers who promoted the formation and development of Tatar children's organizations are mentioned. Considering the fact that preschool institutions for the Tatar children were created for the first time, the article reveals the ways of establishing such institutions and the ideological principles applied by the school authors.

Keywords: kindergartens, nursery, nursery schools, children’s preschool institutions, preschool education, labor education, hygiene


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About the author: Alsou A. Zinnatullina is a Research Fellow, the Center of History and Theory of National Education, Sh. Marjani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences (7, Baturin St., Kazan 420111, Russian Federation);