Collection of the Department of Ethnography of I.V. Savitsky State Museum of Arts of the Republic of Karakalpakstan

Kurbanova Z.I.

222-233 p. 10.22378/he.2023-8-2.222-233

The article discusses the collection of objects of the Karakalpaks’ decorative and applied art in the funds of the I.V. Savitsky State Museum of Arts of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. The collection of folk-art objects is concentrated in the funds of the ethnography department of the museum. It comprehensively reflects the traditional everyday culture of the Karakalpak people. The objects of decorative and applied art of the Karakalpaks are concentrated in the following repositories: the fund of carpet products, jewelry, embroidery, wood, metal and leather products. Thematically, the collection is divided into jewelry items, horse equipment, carpets, yurt, clothing, kitchen utensils, and dishes. The author attempts to give a thematic and quantitative assessment of the collections of the Department of Ethnography. The analysis of the accession of exhibits did not allow identifying them by the area of existence, the place of purchase due to the absence of such information in the documentation. Most of the exhibits have only the information about the name of the object and its functional purpose. To create a complete picture of the accumulation of applied arts objects, statistical data on the accession of objects from 1967 to 2021 has been referred to, the dynamics of replenishment with exhibits is presented.

Keywords: Art Museum, collections, decorative and applied arts, carpet products, jewelry, embroidery, wood carving

For citation: Kurbanova Z.I. (2023) Collection of the Department of Ethnography of I.V. Savitsky State Museum of Arts of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. Istoricheskaya etnologiya [Historical Ethnology]. Vol. 8. No. 2: 222–233. DOI: 10.22378/he.2023-8-2.222-233 (In Russ.)


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About the author: Zemfira I. Kurbanova, Doctor Sc. (History), Head of the Department of Ethnography, Karakalpak Research Institute for the Humanities of the Karakalpak Branch of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences (179A, Amir Temur St., Nukus 230100, Karakalpakstan, Republic of Uzbekistan);

Received April 10, 2023   Accepted for publication June 5, 2023

Published Online October 24, 2023