Rukiya Mukhammadish on the role of Tatar women in the life of the people

Murtazina L.R.

30-37 p. 10.22378/he.2024-9-1.30-37

The article analyses the views of a prominent representative of the Tatar emigration, teacher, journalist, and public figure Rukiya Mukhammadish on the Tatar woman and her role in the fate of the people. The work is accompanied by a publication written by Rukiya Mukhammadish in the newspaper “Milli Bayraq”, which was published in Mukden, Manchuria in 1935–1945. The publication made a considerable contribution to the enlightenment and the cultivation of national identity among the Tatars in the Far East. The presented source is dedicated to highlighting the role of the Tatar woman in the national education, life and history of the people in various periods of its existence. In the article “Woman in the Life of Our Nation”, R. Mukhammadish sets a goal to show the place of women in the family, in the life of the people and the state, and gives examples from various historical sources. According to the author, the position of women in the Turkic society was quite free; they were distinguished by their courage, determination and participated in solving not only family but also state-related issues. Women of the Golden Horde participated in the government affairs; in the Kazan Khanate, they ruled the country. The upbringing of mothers and Abystays helped to preserve Islam, their native language, and folk traditions. Thus, women fulfilled their responsibilities not only to their family, but also to the people and the country. The purpose of the presented article is to raise the national self-awareness (“milli barlyk”) of Tatar emigrants and disseminate historical knowledge among them. The relevance of documents of this nature lies in the fact that they are valuable sources for studying the life and features of the development of social and pedagogical thought of the Mukhadzhir Tatars.

Keywords: Rukiya Mukhammadish, Far East, woman, “Milli Bayraq”, education, nation, national identity, national education

For citation: Murtazina L.R. (2024) Rukiya Mukhammadish on the role of Tatar women in the life of the people. Istoricheskaya etnologiya [Historical Ethnology]. Vol. 9. No. 1: 30–37. DOI: 10.22378/he.2024-9-1.30-37 (In Tat.)


The legacy of the Turkic-Tatar Mukhadzhirs in the Far East (bibliographic index of the “Milli Bayraq” newspaper) (2015). Kazan: Marjani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences Publ. (In Tat.)
Murtazina L.R. (2023) History of the Golden Horde in the Tatar emigrant press of the 1930s–1940s (Based on the materials of the “Milli Bayraq” newspaper). In: Golden Horde Legacy. Materials of the VII International Golden Horde Forum. Issue 5. Kazan: 254–259. (In Russ.)

About the author: Lyalya R. Murtazina is a Cand. Sc. (Pedagogy), Leading Research Fellow at the Center of History and Theory of National Education, Marjani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences (7А Baturin St., Kazan 420111, Russian Federation);

Received June 30, 2023   Accepted for publication September 14, 2023

Published Online February 26, 2024